About colorbook.io

Colorbook.io is dedicated to be the best and most beautiful color information and color scheme generator on the web. It was built with UX- and Screendesigners in mind. This is why we left away usual bullshit from other pages. Istead we tried to come away from the technical side of colors and move on to the actual usage of colors, like in color cards or color schemes (which are actually useful). If you have any feedback we would love to hear from you.

[email protected] or [email protected]

Mühledorstrasse 2
3018 Bern

Third-Party Plugins

jscolor - http://jscolor.com - A great Javascript color picker. Very versatile to use.

Affiliate Links

Some external links on the website may be affiliate links. This keeps this site going by paying for hosting and development. You will not be charged more if you buy a product after clicking a link on this site. Instead, we're getting a commission on the sale you make. Thanks for your support :-) !